Are you curious about the Labor Discussion Group, but not sure what to expect? Here is a short description of the general concept, and what happened at our September meetup, from LDG coordinator Justin Miller!
The Labor Discussion Group is a casual meetup open to members of our union, where we discuss our work conditions and larger topics like Chicago politics, labor history, labor movement news, etc. These discussions help attendees share information and perspectives, forge connections between our members, and brainstorm actions we can take. Our LDG chats also help attendees feel less alone in the issues we’re facing, and they’re important steps for building union power.
We usually meet on a Sunday evening, at a bar with outdoor space and non-alcoholic drink options. For September, we met at the Goose Island Taproom. It was unpleasantly chilly on the patio, so we headed inside. Having introduced ourselves and our branches, we got to the topic on everyone’s mind – the recent bomb threats and management’s responses. We shared all our info about the bomb threats, and the different ways administrators had handled those threats by branch. For example, on September 14th, some Branches shut down immediately, others were told to evacuate the Branch but to be ready to return to work after, and some Branches were never contacted. Staff were was shared by District Chiefs, security guard staff, by other Branch Managers, etc. We shared feeling unsafe due to the chaotic response to the threat. Our discussion also revealed structural issues – for example, some work spaces at Harold Washington Library do not have an intercom and staff and patrons therefore can’t hear building announcements.
I shared some information that Local 1215 President Jacob Cleary had found, including a federal guide on evaluating and responding to bomb threats. The threats received at CPL so far had all fit the guidelines for non-credible threats. In some ways this was reassuring, but attendees agreed that we needed better policy and training to smoothly and safely inform staff, take appropriate action, ensure infrastructure upgrades, etc. We also discussed the recent extreme weather (tornadoes, flooding) and the need for improvements in policies and procedures on those fronts.
I shared some other recent updates – that Commissioner Brown seemed eager to involve our Local in shaping and evaluating an updated bomb threat response.
Throughout, we briefly discussed some broader issues, like the grievance process, the ongoing staffing crisis, building issues, Chicago politics, news about the UAW strike, and more.
I’m glad that we had a chance to chat and vent about the issues we’re facing at work. These threats are frightening, but the relationships we create in facing them together are the building blocks of collective power. To join us for the next LDG meetup, keep an eye on the Local 1215 calendar, where announcements and details on upcoming union events are posted!