Library workers in Elk Grove, IL secure new contract

After months of bargaining, AFSCME Local 3783 members settled a 4-year deal between Elk Grove Village Public Library workers and management. The new agreement includes a 15% wage increase, expanded parental leave, and a bonus for staff members with 20 years of employment. Notably, part-time pages will also benefit from a more equitable pay structure and opportunity for paid leave. According to an EGVPL librarian, community support played a crucial role. Along with numerous statements of public support, a petition garnering over 500 signatures was presented to the board before bargaining concluded. 

Columbia College adjunct faculty reach agreement, end strike

Columbia College Faculty Union (CFAC) resolved a 49 day strike, which marks what is now the longest adjunct faculty strike in the college’s history. CFAC began striking on October 30th in response to a “section elimination project”. This was implemented by the provost and led to significant cuts in course availability and adjunct employment for the fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters. An initial agreement was reached between the union and college just before the new year, which shows improvements in job security and health benefit options for contingent faculty. Additionally, some previously eliminated spring classes were reinstated. View details of the ratified contract on Columbia College’s website.

Chicago Tribune workers stage 24 hour walkout

Journalists at the Chicago Tribune also began the year with an unprecedented strike, the first in the publication’s near two century history. After five years of unresolved bargaining, Tribune reporters initiated a walkout on February 1st with demands including fair pay and the retention of retirement benefits. Staffers also joined in protest of the hedge fund that now owns Tribune Publishing, an acquisition which resulted in significant financial instability and layoffs. According to ABC 7, union leaders plan to resume talks with the parent company later this month and are considering a prolonged strike in the future. Read more at Block Club Chicago.

Chicago Teachers Union resolves week long strike with tentative agreement

Educators represented by the Chicago Teachers Union began picketing outside of charter schools managed by Instituto del Progreso Latino on February 6th. The strike followed a year and a half of unsuccessful bargaining with administration to address critical deficiencies in school staffing and resources, especially regarding the bilingual and special education departments. Day three of the strike saw little progress and by day four CTU members urged BMO Harris, the school’s financial partner, to intervene in contract negotiations. As of Monday February 12th, Instituto teachers returned to the classroom as union members prepare to vote on a tentative agreement reached over the weekend. Details on contract terms are forthcoming, but CTU and Instituto management have each released a public statement confirming the deal.

Museum of Contemporary Art workers aim to unionize with AFSCME

According to IL Cultural Workers United, employees at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago are forming a union to address concerns with museum leadership. Show your support by signing their petition. Read more about it at Chicago Sun-Times.


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