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Committees of AFSCME Local 1215

Committee chairs and members are appointed by Local 1215’s President and approved by the Executive Board.

Any Local member in good standing may apply to join or lead a committee.

To learn more or get involved in a committee, contact the Local or log in for committee chairs’ contact information.

Election Committee

The Election Committee is an ad hoc committee convened when needed for the election of officers, convention delegates, and other elected positions of Local 1215.

Health and Safety Committee (HANDS)

The Health and Safety (HANDS) Committee is a “joint” committee that is established by our collective bargaining agreement (Article 4, Section 4.2). The committee is composed of both union and management representatives and meets regularly to identify, inspect, and correct unsafe or unhealthy working conditions.

Insurance Committee

The Insurance Committee manages distributions from the Local’s “Good and Welfare” fund.

Membership Engagement Committee

The Membership Engagement Committee manages outreach to current members. The committee plans charitable and social member events, assists with contract campaigns, and undertakes miscellaneous other efforts to benefit and engage the current membership.

Newsletter Committee

The Newsletter Committee manages the Local’s digital newsletter, other digital communications, and the website (currently under development). The committee’s goal is to provide accurate, transparent information to members about the Local’s activities, procedures, and general operation.

Organizing Committee

The Organizing Committee does outreach to enroll and support new union members and works to bring unrepresented job titles into the bargaining unit. The committee coordinates the district captains of the Member Action Team (MAT), ensuring that MAT functions as an effective communication and mobilization network bridging union leadership and the membership as a whole. The committee also collaborates with Council 31 to organize library branches across Illinois; connects with sibling Locals in and beyond Local 1215’s bargaining unit; and collaborates with area labor and community organizations to provide mutual support and solidarity.

PEOPLE Committee

The PEOPLE Committee works with representatives from other Locals in Region I (North-Eastern Illinois) of Council 31 to advance pro-worker legislation and to vet and endorse candidates for political office.